The End of the Line

Having been involved via BoLS with the most recent clusterfSck that is Games Workshop, the last shred of loyalty I have to them is extinct.  I have a few things I still want to pick up for my Dark Angels, not to mention a good portion of my Sons of Horus Heresy army,...

40k Mirror Match Event Information

The 40k Mirror match packet is available for download in the sidebar, or you can use the link below.40k Mirror MatchStay tuned for more updates!  Don't forget to register and book your hotel room!!

Remember the AlamoGT!

Adepticon 2013 is over and it's time to set my sights on what is likely the only "large" tournament I will be playing in for the foreseeable future.  The Alamo 40k GT is exactly what I look for in a tournament really.  Even better this year as they are...

Adepticon: From The Floor Day 3

Didn't get a chance to make an update yesterday, but I was able to get more photos.  Adepticon is running strong and I've been checking out everything there is to see.Read more »

Adepticon: From The Floor

The championship tournament is underway.  Goatboy won his round 1 game against Paul Murphy.  I believe jwolf lost his.  Not sure how many people missed out due to the weather, but the hall is pretty full.  BDub and Realgenius have been delayed back in Austin due to...