Wargames Con: T minus 48 hours or so!

It's just a couple days away!!!  We've been furiously working to finish last minute convention details so I haven't had much time to post.  It's definitely going to be better than ever this year and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!!Look for me in the...

Alamo, A Rememberance

The Alamo 40k GT is over... and it was a pretty good one.  Good turnout like always, some pretty nice armies, especially the average army.  There's usually one or two completely unpainted armies there, but I don't think there was a single one this year....

Remember the Alamo 2012

The Alamo 40k GT is nearly upon us again and I'm definitely excited.  Not so much to play 40k, but more to get the chance to hang out in the Alamo GT environment again.  Due to lack of time, I'll be playing my Deathwing again this year, but my list will be...

I Think I’m Finally Recovered…

Adepticon was excellent again!!!  Having now experienced it without having a completely jam-packed schedule, I can actually say I truly had more fun this year as a whole than years past and that fact probably means I'll be going back (something that was fairly...

The Road to Adepticon: It’s Go Time!

Currently sitting at Austin Burgstrom waiting for my flight up to Detroit on my way to Chicago. Heading up a day early so I can get my car from Aims who no longer is in need of it. As such, I will be making the 18 hour drive back to Austin.Read more »