Necron List 2nd… 5th… Whatever Version…

I've played with a ton of different lists over the last... who knows how long and I've gone through lots of different plans, themes, etc.  I think I've got a list that would be... not too terrible.  There is still a question based on the new FAQ as to...

Yep, Templars

So as everyone is surely aware, I've painted a full 2000 point Black Templar force for Darkwynn which I completed shortly before Feast of Blades last year.  What I don't know if I mentioned is that he also has at least another 2000-3000 points he wants painted...

Necrons First Draft

Hey all, I've been playing with Necrons a lot for the last couple weeks and I've come up with my first list. I've also come to accept and even like some of the new fluff once I was able to let go of the old version of it.  However, I don't like the concept of...

Feast of Blades Round-up Part 2

So, I'll start part 2 by talking about painting.  I wasn't really intending on entering the painting competition, but I decided to last minute.  I entered my recently painted Ezekiel in the single mini catagory, Nick's Terminators and Marshal as a squad in...