by C Swizzy | Mar 30, 2015
Oh do I fucking hate that song!So yea, I apparently haven't posted anything since August, after Gencon, lol. Talk about a hiatus.... So what have I been up to since then? I'll give you the Cliff notes version.So I started a 5th Edition D&D campaign that lasted all...
by C Swizzy | Aug 22, 2014
Man O Wars are bigger then Spesh Mehrines, GAME OVER!So now that's it's almost been a week and you probably have read 50 billion other Gencon reviews, here's mine!I drove down to Indy from the greater Chicagoland area on Wednesday and it was only a 3 hour drive. It...
by C Swizzy | Aug 14, 2014
Sorry for the lack of posts, I got sucked into World of Tanks again...So I'm at Gencon! Check out my twitter for any posts and pics I post up. @awesomelyblog
by C Swizzy | Jul 8, 2014 the time of this posting he's up to ~$58,000 just to make potato salad. Yea I'm not joking. No clue if it's classic, mustard or Amish...... If Kickstarter allows someone to do this, imagine how much other...
by C Swizzy | Jul 4, 2014
Happy 4th of July!!!And if you're not in America, have a nice day anyways!