Dungeons and Dragons On My Mind

Dungeons and Dragons On My Mind

Dungeons and Dragons, the grandaddy of all RPGs, has been on my mind quite a bit as of late. If it wasn't for D&D I probably would have never turned into a tabletop gamer, it was basically the game that started it all for me.I started playing D&D back in the...
Kickstarter: Buyer Beware!

Kickstarter: Buyer Beware!

Kickstarter was the hotness last year and it appears to be so again this year. There have been many great Kickstarter Campaigns that were funded and delivered an awesome product to the people who pledged. For example the two Kickstarters I have done, Reaper's Bones...
Audio Book Review: Templar

Audio Book Review: Templar

There is only duty.Anyone that knows me finds it to be no surprise that I purchased this audio book as soon as it came out, lol.I really don't want to spoil things for anyone but if you are a fan of the Black Templars or Imperial Fists I highly recommend buying it and...
First Thoughts On 7th!

First Thoughts On 7th!

Only if I knew how to Photoshop, because 6 and 7 would have displayed a down trend on the assault cycle. But it's a pretty good display of the strength of assault in 40k. 3rd ed was crazy with Rhino Rush and all that so this chart is pretty fitting.Before I start let...
Memorial Day 2014

Memorial Day 2014

The picture says it all.Thank you to all the servicemen and women. We are eternally in your debt.