James Swallow’s Sword of Truth

James Swallow's Sword of Truth is the next audio drama in the adventures of Nathaniel Garro. This audio drama goes back to the time period where Garro has just returned from Calth, with the former Ultramarine Rubio. Now he is told there is a flotilla of ships at the...

Dan Abnett’s Pariah

Dan Abnett's novel Pariah is the first in a new trilogy pitting the Inquisitors Eisenhorn and Ravenor against each other. The main character in this series is Beta Bequin, who is living in the city of Queen Mab on a planet in the Angelus Sub sector. The novel starts...

Ultramarines Razorback

This model was a project long in the making. Back when I decided to purchase the Land Raider Achilles, I also got a Land Raider Crusader kit with the intention of building two Land Raiders and this Razorback. The Achilles and Land Raider (it's the one for my...

Pre Heresy Predator

This is the Predator I have been waiting for. Not so much the Deimos pattern, as the Executioner pattern. The Plasma Cannon is my all time favorite weapon, and to have it on a Predator made this a model I had to have. I used the standard Ultramarine coats for this...

Pre Heresy Tactical Marines

One lesson working on the infantry component of my Pre-Heresy Ultramarines has taught me is - wait for the book. I made the foolish assumption that the basic unit of the Space Marine Legions would be the same as those of the Space Marine Chapters. The truth is they...