Angel Exterminatus

While it took me a bit of time to read, I think Angel Exterminatus is one of Graham McNiell's best Horus Heresy novels to date. The main plot of this novel is the teaming up of Fulgrim and Perturabo as they venture into the Eye of Terror to discover some Eldar super...

Dark Vengeance Characters

Despite the order in which I have been posting model pictures, I actually alternated between chaos and Disciples of Caliban figures. I picked up the Limited Edition of Dark Vengeance purely for the Interrogator Chaplain. This model is a beauty to behold. I love...

Dark Vengeance Tactical Squad

The Dark Vengeance tactical squad is probably my ideal configuration. Put aside thoughts about point costs, min/max or in game value. I love plasma weapons. Period, end of story. My arch-nemesis HuronBH can attest to this, as I used to have an all plasma armed...

Dark Vengeance Bike Squad

The easiest models in the Dark Vengeance boxed set are by far the space marines. While at once detailed and simple, they make for ideal starters for any new player. Quite the contrast with the heavily baroque chaos models. The Ravenwing element of the Disciples of...

Dark Vengeance Chosen

After the Hellbrute, the Chosen models are my favorite of the Dark Vengeance chaos models. I especially like how the unit leader's third eye fits with the mystical theme of the Thousand Sons. The detailing was especially tricky, but I like how the gold brings that out...