Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultists

Probably my least favorite part of the Dark Vengeance boxed set was the chaos cultists. While I do like the heavy weapon models, I'm not particularly found of the unit leader models. Regardless, I ended up painting the cloth dark blue and much of the metallics were...

Chaos Space Marine Codex

With the release of the Forge World Horus Heresy book series, my copy of the Chaos Space Marines codex got shelved. In fairness, I'm still making my way through some of the fluff areas, but on the whole I am a fan of the new additions to the list. The Helldrake in...

Horus Heresy Book One: Betrayal

I am guessing that books ship from Great Britain faster than resin models, as I had to wait barely a week for my copy of Horus Heresy book One: Betrayal to arrive. For book lovers, this is a well crafted piece, with silver gilt on the edges, and a stamped silver...

Dark vengeance Chaos Lord

The Dark Vengeance starter kit, much like the most recent Deamons wave of releases, has allowed me to breathe new interest, and life, into my Thousand Sons army. Being able to add 20 cultists, 6 Chosen and hellbrute and a Chaos Lord to a force that had one squad of...

Treacheries of the Space Marines

Having recently finished Treacheries of the Space Marines, I can honestly say this collection of short stories was rough going. It should be no surprise that with the new Chaos codex out, this anthology is all about Chaos and Chaos Space Marines. ADB fans will be...