First Game of 7th Edition

First Game of 7th Edition

I got to play my first game of Warhammer 40,000 7th edition the other day.  For this game I chose to take A terminator captain with power fist and combi-plasma, a terminator squad with a cyclone missile launcher, a terminator squad with an assault cannon, a...
Ultramarine Centurions

Ultramarine Centurions

Having only recently begun to get back into gaming, I've been paying more attention to the meta on the 40k forums.  Especially for unit optimization, where in the past I've always been more concerned with what i thought looked cool.  Enter some Grav equipped...
Limited Edition  Space Marine Captain

Limited Edition Space Marine Captain

I must be on a 7th Company kick right now, as I have painted my centurions and the last two company captains as 7th Company.  This model is the limited edition one offered by Games Workshop in May.  While the pose is interesting, I am not a huge fan of the...
Mantis Warriors Vanguard Marines

Mantis Warriors Vanguard Marines

When i first got this vanguard squad boxed set, I really wasn't sure what army I was going to build these models for, or how I wanted to use them.  I eventually decided on the Mantis Warriors, just because I enjoyed painting them before, despite how annoying...
House Tarryn Imperial Knight

House Tarryn Imperial Knight

I decided to build a Knight Titan from House Tarryn for the simple fact that they have fought alongside the Ultramarines in previous battles.  For me, themeing my army to the Ultramarines is pretty much the way I go about choosing color schemes and models that...