Eldar Wraith Knight

So once again there is a large gap in posts. Unfortunately, the camera I used to take pictures of my models with broke. The lens will no longer retract and telescope out. It being my wife's, I was left in a quandry. She suggested I use the camera on my phone, which is...

Shadowsun by Braden Campbell

It has been a while since I have done any blog posts.  Sadly, it is not for a lack of productivity on my part, but more a lack of free time in front of the computer.  Shadowson, by Braden Campbell is one of the first Black Library books I read in...

Chaos Deamons Codex

I waited about a week to pick up the Chaos Deamons Codex.  For one thing, I wasn't sure how necessary it would be for me to own, for another I was still digesting the Death from the Skies book.  On the whole, I think it is a nice improvement from the last,...

Disciples of Caliban Terminator Command Squad

For the Dark Angels Terminator boxed set, I had to look at the fact that I already had two squads.  So the real choice was between a command squad and a knight squad.  The deciding factor for me was the ability to equip one of the models with a plasma...

Ultramarines Librarian

 This model took me quite a while to build.  I started out using bitz from the Grey Knight's terminator boxed set.  Building the majority of the model and leaving off the shield arm.  At the time, I had a Grey Knight head on the model. ...