by Caladaris | Dec 5, 2017
This review covers both the Chaos Rotten Dedicated Transport Conversion Set and the Chaos Spike Tracks for Rhino conversion pieces by Grim Skull Miniatures. These are available to purchase from the Wargame Exclusive website. Chaos Rotten Dedicated Transport Conversion...
by Caladaris | Nov 26, 2017
With the forces of chaos having earned a victory on the ground during this campaign we now need to see if the imperial war machine can rescue any of their ground based forces. Fleets Imperial: total 3790 pts [Helix Tagmata ark has Leadership 9. The Star fort has a Ld...
by Caladaris | Nov 18, 2017
Set up to allow the imperial side to reduce the incoming number of chaos fliers. This mission is focused solely on Fliers. First lets run through the mission overview and special rules. The chaos advance is the red arrow and will constitute all their air force. The...
by Caladaris | Nov 10, 2017
The painting process begins. I intend to try to imitate and corrupt the colour scheme used by one of my gaming groups armies. The main dreadnought will be painted like his black templars only rusted and corrupted to serve a darker purpose. The Painting Time to...
by Caladaris | Nov 1, 2017
This mission revolves round the imperial force finding out that the real inquisitor Ditya is being held at a remote facility then sending an Aquila lander full of troops (The dirty dozen as it can hold 12 models) to mount a rescue. Using an imperial strongpoint...