The Battle for Mirum Ostentum – Blood Sacrifice (Part 14)

Doing away with victory points this mission instead focuses on infantry being killed. If 101 or more infantry models are killed during the mission and at least 70 cultists and conscripts are part of that number, then chaos wins and the blood ritual is completed. Any...

The Battle for Mirum Ostentum – Sudden Strike (Part 12)

We altered this mission from a simple strike and kill mission into a more narrative form with the imperial forces defending a derelict titan hangar, finding a titan within but being attacked by the alpha legion before they can fully explore the site and bring the...

The Battle for Mirum Ostentum – Hunters (Part 11)

Moving into Phase 3, the missions start to escalate and another draw will lead to the neutral missions. Hunters Ambush deployment, Imperials must get units off either of the short board edges. Imperial forces deploy first and get first turn. Chaos can attempt to seize...

The Battle for Mirum Ostentum – Fog of War (Part 10)

The post relates to the ongoing narrative campaign that is being run by my gaming group. Following on from the close fought draw in the previous mission we now come to the final mission of Phase 2 of our campaign. Phase 2 mission 3: Fog of War Maelstrom mission. Each...