Make Do and Mend Part 2: Praetor Tracks Fitted

Having now filed both tracks enough to fit them I glued them to the vehicles hull, which despite my best efforts is still slightly warped. Now though, I can loose-fit the remaining parts to get a glimpse of the finished model. Now that is looking far more promising...

Make Do and Mend – Making a Praetor Missile Launcher Table Ready

Make do and mend – making a knock off praetor armoured assault missile launcher table ready. A few years ago I was given this:                Which is a very poor quality knock off praetor armoured assault missile launcher. It has sat in my pile of projects since...

The Battle for Mirum Ostentum – Slaughter (Part 9)

The post relates to the ongoing narrative campaign that is being run by my gaming group. Phase 2 mission 2: Slaughter Representing the chaos forces attacking the training grounds for the imperial guard conscripts and the imperial reactionary forces attempting to save...

The Battle for Mirum Ostentum Part 8 – Breakthrough

The post relates to the ongoing narrative campaign that is being run by my gaming group. For Phase 2 Each player has been placed into teams. The Teams Chaos Player: KE List Name: Tapestry of evil Composition: Chaos space marines and chaos daemons Warlord: Morrs Penna...