New Year

Something this way comes......soon!New website at the end of the month, get ready!Follow us on Twitter and Instagram:https://twitter.comWarGames Con

End of Registration 2017

End of online registration will end on Wednesday, August 16th by 8:00pm.  If you have not submitted your registration by then, it will need to be by cash at the event in person.

Warmachine and Hordes update

New news!Iron Arena is a go !!! Lots of nice prizes and some pp support.Model painting contest! Bring the most awesome piece you have!Terrain contest! Build and create a terrain piece must be no larger than 8 inc. By 8 inc.Double trouble 2 person tourney each team...

Pre-order Lunch!

Hello everyone, we have arranged to have lunch you can pre-purchase so that you are not running around trying to find options on your lunch breaks in between rounds. The options are: Ham and Swiss club sandwich, choice of chips, and choice of soda.Turkey and Cheddar...

Warhammer 40k GT Update

We will be using the latest GW FAQ that just came out.  We will NOT be using using the Space Marine Codex that is due out soon. Get your hotel rooms at…/AUSLNDT-WG7-2017…/index.jhtml