WH40k Narrative rules preview

Here is a preview of our 8th Ed list build rules for 40K Narrative...1. We will be using Power Levels not Points2. Single faction3. No ‘plays as’ or fortificationsOpen Narrative- 1 Battalion Detachment (Battle-Forged Amy) with a Power Level greater than 100. Not all...

FLG Mats 2017

This year we will be using FLG mats for 40k GT, 40k Team, 30K and AoS!

Wh40k 8th Update

Hey all, now that we are getting a grasp on 8th edition, we have decided to bump the points limit up to 2000 points!!!!  Alright get to building those lists and playing those first games to get ready!

8th Edition

Hey folks,We've decided that for the Warhammer 40k events we will be using 8th edition.  In the unlikely event the rules do not come out until after July 21st(30 days prior), we will be using the newest edition of rules.  Warhammer 30k will still be using...