How To- Farseer on Jetbike Conversion

How To- Farseer on Jetbike Conversion

For such an popular model in game, it sure wouldn't kill GW to have a farseer on jetbike model!  Guess we'll we've have to improvise. Hey guys, Caleb with White Metal Games here, with another fun conversion.  This time, a farseer on jetbike! With the...
To Magnetize or Not to Magnetize . . .

To Magnetize or Not to Magnetize . . .

That is the question.  So . . . what's the answer? Greetings fellow wargamers!  Caleb with White Metal Games here. Recently I was sent a Stormeagle by a client with the desired goal to magnetize all the options available.  No problem. As as studio, I...
Farseer on Jetbike conversion by White Metal Games

Farseer on Jetbike conversion by White Metal Games

For such an popular model in game, it sure wouldn't kill GW to have a farseer on jetbike model!  Guess we'll we've have to improvise.Hey guys, Caleb with White Metal Games here, with another fun conversion.  This time, a farseer on jetbike! With...
A Clients Perspective on Miniature Painting

A Clients Perspective on Miniature Painting

Greetings fellow wargamers!  Caleb with White Metal Games here! Recently I started a hard nosed survey (dare I say investigation) of the miniature painting and assembly market.  Namely I wanted to know who my competition was, what they were charging, what...
War Council Episode 5- MBG & Goatboy Guests

War Council Episode 5- MBG & Goatboy Guests

Warcouncil Episode 5 is now live and kicking! We had our first two guest speakers on the show this week, Thomas Reidy, aka "Goatboy" and Rob Baer, aka Man Boy Genius, to give their two cents about an article I wrote for Spikey Bits a few weeks ago...