The tale of Spunky, the littlest Plague Drone!

Greetings fellow wargamers!  When GW first released their Blight Drones at the release of the Chaos Daemons codex, I knew there was conversion gold potential in the product!  My mind was swimming with visions of Fly Princes of Nurgle, Beasts of Nurgle,...

Cairn Wraith of Khorne Conversion

Greetings fellow wargamers! A few months ago the conversion bug bit me and bit me hard.  I had purchased the FW Blood Slaughterer of Khorne on ebay, which comes with several extra bits. I thought about using them on a Daemon Prince or Helbrute, but I wanted to do...

Prey for a Swift End! Matis Pattern Maulerfiend

Insects have always been a prevalent theme in the world of Nurgle.  Normally flies are the name of the game, but I've never felt like it was mutually exclusive. For many years I've been experimenting with the form of the Preying Mantis, using it for models such...

Conversion Corner- Star Wars Dreadnoughts?!!

Greetings fellow wargamers!  Once in a while it's nice to break stride to embark on a project just for fun. After all the dice rolling and rules lawyering and back and forth, it's good to remind ourselves at the end of the day that we are playing with little...