Scratch built 15mm buildings

Scratch built 15mm buildings

I recently set up my new gaming table and discovered I did not have enough line of sight blocking terrain. As a I prefer playing Flames of War with primarily tank based forces, utilizing line of sight blocking terrain is an important part of my tactics. My other...
Showcase: Universal Carriers

Showcase: Universal Carriers

These models gave me as much trouble as any other models I have painted. Don't get me wrong, the Universal Carrier models from Battlefront for Flames of War are nice little models. My issues with these models stemmed from some new techniques I tried and trying to...
Foldable game board

Foldable game board

Low on space but still want a nice 4x6 area for your wargaming needs? Does your spouse/significant other/roommate not want a huge permanent gaming table set up in your living room? Need to play but low on cash? In this short tutorial I will show a few pictures of the...
101st Airborne platoon finished at last!

101st Airborne platoon finished at last!

At long last, I painted the last two stands for my 101st Airborne Division paratrooper platoon. Like the command shermans I posted last week, these models have been waiting since the tournament in July to be finished. You can see some pictures of the earlier...
Showcase: 11th Armoured Division Command Shermans

Showcase: 11th Armoured Division Command Shermans

At long last I have finished painting the command Shermans for my 11th. Armoured Division tank company for Flames of War. One of the models is a plastic Sherman from the Plastic Soldier Company and the other is a Battlefront Resin tank model. The models were painted...