Tutorial: Painting Me262 camouflage

Tutorial: Painting Me262 camouflage

In this tutorial I will show you how I painted the camouflage on this WWII German Me262 airplane for Flames of War. The model is a bit smaller than 15mm I believe. I painted the model using an airbrush and used tape for the masking. The Me262 was the world's first...

Discussion: Painting 15mm German WW2 "disc" camouflage

After a lot of discussion on this blog and the forums on the disc camouflage panther I posted this week I thought it would be interesting to have a bit of an open community discussion about the best way to paint this interesting camouflage pattern on 15mm models.Read...

15mm Disc Camouflage Panther

This paint job was an experiment. I have seen a few attempts to recreate the disc camouflage pattern in 15mm scale but none that I feel have really created the feel of the distinctive pattern. This model was my first attempt to recreate this pattern across an entire...

Showcase: Turretless Stuart Jalopies

I've finished painting my turretless Stuarts for my 11th Armoured Division company. I built the Stuarts so they can be used both with turret and without turret. The models are based on the Battlefront M5A1 Stuart and the British Stuart V. A few months back I wrote...
Tutorial: 3 Colour disruptive camo with silly putty

Tutorial: 3 Colour disruptive camo with silly putty

Yesterday I posted pictures of a completed Jagdpanther painted in three colour camouflage. In this tutorial I will quickly show you how I painted the camouflage stripes. This method was pretty fast. It took me about thirty minutes or so to paint the camouflage on this...