Iron Painter: Hasslfree Pirate Captain John

After painting trials and tribulations, I've finished painting Hasslefree's "Captain John" for round 4 of Wyrd's Iron Painter competition. I painted this model in a small diorama with a boat and octopus arms attacking the pirate. The model is in...

Iron Painter: Mr. Tannen

Today I finished painting my diorama for round 3 of Wyrd's Iron Painter competition. For this round the theme was "Wyrd Science". I painted Mr. Tannen from the Malifaux range, looking through a telescope, into a star lit sky. I tried a lot of new...

Iron Painter: Doppleganger

In this post I will share some pictures of my round 2 entry for Wyrd's Iron Painter competition. The theme of this round was "Better off (un)dead". For this round I painted the plastic Doppleganger model for Malifaux mounted on a display base. This...

Iron Painter Mannequin Diorama

This week was the submission deadline for round 1 of Wyrd’s Iron Painter competition. The theme for the first round was “Pretty in Pink”. For this round I painted a Mannequin from Colette’s Smoke and Mirrors box and built a small diorama for it. In this post I’ll show...

Malifaux Mechanical Doves

I've recently finished painting three Mechanical Doves from the Smoke & Mirrors box set for Malifaux. A painted these as I thought they would be a nice change from some of the more detailed and complex models I've been painting recently. These models are...