2012 review and goals for 2013

Painted for 2012 Prisoner Exchange.Another year complete. Although it is a cliche, I'd like to post a quick year in review entry. This blog will review my goals from last year, the models I painted this year, and will preview what I hope to achieve in my hobby...

Chaos cultist test model

This model was a test model I quickly painted to test a colour scheme for a Necromunda Chaos Cultist squad. This model is one of the new plastic cultists from the Dark Vengeance box set. I speed painted it, only doing quick washes and few highlights. I have decided to...

Showcase: Trollbloods Madrak Ironhide World Ender

I've finished painting this commission for the Madrak Ironhide World Ender model for the Trolbloods faction from Hordes/Warmachine. I tried some new techniques for painting the skin and tartan on this model. I enhanced the base by increasing the height of the...

Showcase: Painted shipping containers

I've finished the painting of the first five shipping containers. In the first parts of this series I showed how to build shipping containers, how to paint shipping containers, and how to airbrush graffiti onto the models. In this post I will show the first five...

Tutorial: Painting a shipping container

A step-by-step guide to how I quickly painted my shipping containers. I used the same basic formula to paint all of the containers, only changing the base colour. This tutorial will show you how to quickly paint your shipping containers to a tabletop standard. To see...