2 pirate ork boys and a grot

At long last I have finished painting these ork pirates. The models are pretty simple conversions on custom bases. You can see these models before painting here. Overall I am pleased with how the models turned out. I tried a new recipe (based on the new Waaagh Flesh)...

Now accepting commissions!

I currently have some extra time on my hands and I am available for doing some custom commission work. If you are interested in getting some work done you can contact me through the contact form or by directly emailing me at rustandthecity at gmail.com. Due to the...

Pirate grot conversions

Here are some small conversions I have done for some pirate grots/gretchin to add to my pirate ork force.Read more »

More pirate orks

Finally, some more pirate orks mostly finished. I have to finish five of them for an exchange with someone else. These two are Nobs. First is Ironjaw.Read more »