Malifaux: Mechanical Rider

I've finished painting up the Mechanical Rider for Malifaux. This is the new multi-part plastic model from Wyrd Miniatures. In this post I will share a lot of pictures of the finished model and discuss some of the techniques I used to paint it. I'll also share...

Hungarian Flames of War Commission

In this post I will share some pictures of a large Hungarian commission I have recently painted. I painted 10 Zyrini, 3 Toldi tanks, 3 Csaba armoured cars, and 4 Italian tankettes. The models are all from Battlefront for Flames of War. All models were painted with...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 5

In this blog post I'll share all of the details for the final turn of the Firestorm: Caen campaign. After 187 games, the Allies hold a slight lead in victory points at 657-645. Unfortunately for the Allies, this hasn't translated to campaign success as the...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 4 Results

This week saw the conclusion of Turn 4 of the Firestorm: Caen online campaign hosted here at Rust and the City. In turn 4, we had a total of 44 games played. As results started coming in the Germans held a massive advantage in all campaign map locations. The Allied...

2016 Hobby Goals

Following my 2015 Year in Review, this post will highlight my hobby goals for 2016. The goals will include both painting and game playing targets. Like last year, I am hoping to increase my painting productivity and the diversity of models I paint. I'm also...