2015 Year in Review

Every year, I like to do a little year in review to see how I have done with my hobby goals for the previous year. In this post I'll review how I did compared to my goals from last year. I'll also share some highlights from my painting and games for the year....

Firestorm Caen: Turn 4

At long last, here are the battles for Turn 4 of the Firestorm Caen online campaign! To date, 143 battles have been fought across the world as the Allied forces try to wrest control of Normandy from the stoic German defenders. The Allies have had a slight edge in the...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 3 Recap

Hello fellow campaigners! Today I have the recap of the Turn 3 results for the Firestorm: Caen campaign. This turn featured fierce fightings across Normandy. Players from around the world completed 41 battles over the 6 different campaign locations. The Allies need to...

Tutorial: Stug step-by-step Painting

In today's post I am going to share some pictures of a recently completed Open Fire Stug for Flames of War. I made a short tutorial for this model using twitter. In this post I will share the step by step painting of this model in a series of tweets. I'll add...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 3

In today's post you will find all of the details for the six games that will be played for turn 3 of the Firestorm: Caen online campaign. So far, players from 3 continents have played 103 games. To date, the Allied forces have made gains in the Southern part of...