Firestorm Caen: Turn 2 Recap

Hello campaigners and followers from across the globe! Today, we will reveal the results of Turn 2b of the Firestorm: Caen global campaign. This turn has seen lots of exciting games played around the world as players vie for supremacy of the territory around the...

Malifaux: Electric Creation

I recently painted the electric creation for my Ramos Malifaux crew. This model is the newest addition to my crew. This is a plastic model. It was tough to assemble but fun to paint. In this post I will share some pictures of the model and will discuss how I plan to...

Firestorm: Caen Turn 2b

This week saw the conclusion of Turn 2a in the online Firestorm: Caen campaign. In this post I will outline a brief recap of turn 2a. I will also post the battles for turn 2b. Turn 2 was split into two sections. Turn 1 had an extra battle to resolve at Sword Beach and...

Malifaux: Johan

In this post I will share some pictures of Johan the Steamfitter for Malifaux. Johan is a mercenary from The Outcasts faction but has a lot of synergy with the other M and SU models in Ramos' crew. This model is an individual plastic crew box. This sculpt is very...

Firestorm Caen: Turn 2A

In this post I post the details for the first part of Turn 2 for the Firestorm: Caen campaign. Turn 1 saw a decisive Allied victory as Allied forces won victories in 3 out of 4 sectors. In Turn 2 the Allied forces are attacking into Bayeux while the German forces are...