Inquisitor Hector Rex

The base for my conversion is the Forgeworld model of inquisitor Hector Rex. The storm Shield is from the game Spacehulh. The blade was pretty twisted and my attempt to fix that failed utterly when I broke it. So I had to pin it back into place. In game terms I plan...

Tech marine with conversion beamer

My tech marine with the conversion Beamer. The conversion beamer is from the old game space crusade as there are almost no other model pieces available from Forgeworld or games workshop. During games he is meant to back up my fire team of dreadnoughts and add a little...

Blood Angels librarian furioso dreadnought

This is my conversion for a blood angels librarian dreadnought. I mixed parts from venerable dreadnought and grey knight dread knight model kits. In game times he's very expensive but during the last tournament I found it invaluable to cost mortal wounds on enemy...

Venerable Dreadnought

The first of three venerable dreadnoughts for my space marine army. He will be accomplished by two more when they are finally finished. Together they form a solid base in regards to fire power which the rest of my army can build upon.

1000 points 8th edition army roster

I will attend my first 8th edition 40k tournament tomorrow. In fact it will be a double tournament where each player brings 1000 points for a 2k vs 2k game in total.I teamed up with my old 40k buddy back of the days as we both started playing again with the new...