TAU Armylist for AGRAM ARENA SUMMER 2013

I will be attending this year's AGRAM AREMA SUMMER 40k tournament in Zagreb again. I can't really remeber but I think this is the 11.th time I am attending. I am getting old.Anyhow I found my motivation to play 40k again after almost a year of hiatus from the hobby....

TAU XV8 Crisis with Plasmagun

Next on my workbench was reworking my old crisis suits. This one is equipped with two plasmaguns. As those who know the GW-plastic kit will know, I did quite some conversions on this guy. Although subtle at a first glance this changes the whole appearance of the...

Ion Cannon long barrel

Something on the TAU Ion Cannon always seemed wrong to me and the new codex made me take a closer look and do something about it.I am a frequent visitor of advancedtautactica.com because the knowledge on TAU is nowhere as big as there. Ans somewhere there I stumbled...

Gilead Painting competition

Done for a local painting competition. I spent an evening on this chaos cultist.Nice model - I focused on the red robes and true metals. iPhone swallowed some shades of red (and focus)- anyhow. The shadows were down with Trakka Green wash an I used some pigments on...

Broadside Battlesuits updated

 I reworked my broadsides to the new TAU codex. I gave them the Multishot Missile Pack and reworked their paintjob as well. Now all my Smart Missile Systems are painted as having lenses to ditinguish them clearly form the other Missile packs.Broadside battlesuit...