Commander O’shovah Farsight conversion PAINTED

Long time painted but never photographed and never posted. Time to change this. Here is my commander Farsight in all his glory.The blade was airbrushed and experimented with glow effects (no airbrush) I learned in the meantime but this was my first. Link to the WIP...

Flying Daemon Prince of Nurgle

It's time for another Daemon Prince! Since I am still out of greenstuff I grabbed my next open project and attached some wings to my Nurgle daemon prince.Rules:The new codex Chaos Space Marines comes with a new Daemon Prince. It has a close combat weapon for equipment...

JMD Demon – Greater Daemon

A little break from my Spacecrusade project since I ran out of Greenstuff: I reworked my JMD Demon who goes by the name of "Hulk" by the way.I used to field him in my Chaos Space Marine army as a greater daemon but since it is gone with the new codex I will most...

Building a better Spacecrusade (7)

I have done the basic construction of the model. Now it is time for the weapon mounts (and weapons)As you can see I have bluetacked him together to get an idea about weapon size and posing. The pose is fairly final and I will glue him to his base tonight I think. The...

Building a better Spacecrusade (6)

I have some thoughts on the guns of the dreadnought and want your opionion...I am currently modeling the upper torso but already now think about how the weapons of the dread will look. I could go the easy way and just take the spacemarine sized versions- this would...