Building a better Spacecrusade (5)

The dreadnought starts to take shape! Pictures after the break...I plan to model the upper torso in putty from scratch. I took some electrical tubing as a skeleton to work from. On this will then come Miliput to get the desired shape. For the lower body I used...

Building a better Spacecrusade (4)

Work on the genestealer is finished! Hurray for achieving my first goal. Pictures after the break...I decided on rather simple bases. They are bronze, Badab Black wash and gunmetal drybrushed. I added a little gore for the one with the skull- the rest is imagination.I...

My Workspace in 2012

Since BenchVent is hosting a competition in which you can win an Exagon cabinet I thought it was about time to show you where I produce my tabletop output. You can find the picture of the workshop in my basement after the break.yes, I have a collection of Nerf guns on...

Building a better Spacecrusade (3)

I continued my progress on the stealer and they are already in the process of getting painted.After assembling them and trying to base them, I decided to give all the figures a themed base-style. I wanted some plating and so I went the long way and built some...

Building a better Spacecrusade (2)

First step in the process of redoing Space crusade are the genestealers. I chose them because they are only three  and because I have perfect models. Namely the Spacehulk versions. Worry not, I will replace my Spacehulk with three standard stealers from my...