Building a better Spacecrusade (1)

I started my table top career with space crusade. When some years later I began to play Warhammer 40.000 I was short on money and thought it would be a good idea to safe some and use the space crusade models for 40k. So I cut, reworked and painted them (awfully) by...

Commander O’shovah Farsight conversion

The Eldar Corsair prince is in the painting pipeline and I move on to the next conversion job: Commander Farsight. The standard model looks like this:image copyright by Games-WorkshopI find it not very impressive and although I own it (since I bought a lot from...

Eldar Battlesuit conversion part 2

After feedback from my readeres I reworked the legs and added the base. I also added some more detail on the arms. Next up is painting and then hopefully some painting.Eldar Battlesuit conversionEldar Battlesuit conversionEldar Battlesuit conversionEldar Battlesuit...

New terrain built

Besides working on my Eldar Corsairs- oops, I spilled the news- I built 14 pieces of terrain for our gaming club. Here are pictures of the work in progress.Terrain primed with grey gesso and sandTerrain drybrushedThe ground is partly airbrushed brownTerrain with grass...