Eldar Battlesuit conversion

Next up in my Eldar Corsair Prince. As you can see he is wearing a battlesuit!I have this conversion in my mind for ages and even had the prototype standing around for some time. Now it was time to make him a reality. You see, I never liked the standard Eldar jetbikes...

Eldar Firehawk revisited part 6

I started painting the Eldar Bomber. I went off with airbrush techiques I learned over the last half year. The pictures are not the best, please excuse. I will take proper ones when I am done with the model, in the meantime thse must suffice.Cockpit is primed white...

Eldar Firehawk revisited part 5

Back from the holidays and done with the build!I added further detail on the underside and sanded the surface more, and then some more and more. Finally I built a flyer stand and thats it. Off to painting!Eldar BomberEldar BomberEldar BomberEldar BomberEldar...

Eldar Firehawk revisited part 4

The Eldar Bomber is nearing its completion. I already smoothed the wings and added further detail like the additional thrusters (it's vector dancer after all) and weapons. The addition of the flight base helps to make it look final as well.If you look sharp you can...

Eldar Firehawk revisited part 3

 More progress on the weekend. I built up the structure on the wings with four layers of foam board. I then cut them to the shape I need. Next I will put Miliput on top of it to reduce the gaps. This will also enable me to sand it afterwards. The cockpit canopies...