I drink the tears of Phantom players

By CaulynDarrYEAAAHHH!!!!So this happened.  Phantoms now have to de-cloak at the start of the activation phase instead of when they reveal their maneuver dial.  This is just enough of a change to keep Phantoms from running the table against everything but PS...

The Scum and Villains of X-wing’s New Faction

 By CaulynDarrI totally phone it in when I work for the Empire.I've had a few games with the new faction.  The new ships are pretty fun, and they've rekindled my interest in the game after a few months of disinterest.  Phantoms and fat turret ships...

First Stand Alone Star Wars Movie is Titled Rogue One

By CaulynDarrSorry to be flooding the blog with AWSOME today, but this could not be overlooked.  The first standalone Star Wars movie to come after Episode VII is a called Rogue One.  Given that everyone who's gone by Rogue 1 in the Star Wars universe...

Paul Allen Finds the Musashi with his Super Yacht

by CaulynDarrThe former MS co-founder and probably current super villain found one of the last great missing WWII wrecks,  Ya'know, if I had his money, that's most likely what I'd be doing.  In addition to launching rockets into space or something.  Oh,...

Should Battlefront’s Fulda Gap Actually be in 6mm?

by CaulynDarrSolving the case of the hidden rebel base was his last great mystery.I googled "Flames of War"+"Fulda Gap" the other day looking to see if any news about Battlefront's new game has snuck out.   Curiously, one of the top results is a micro armor...