More Relic Knights Photos

More Relic Knights Photos

by CaulynDarrMarikan To and a Serpent Priestess (Space Marine for scale)The Noh faction for Relic Knights is turning out to be one of the better executed ones.  It helps that they are the monster faction and are about twice as large as any other model.  I've...
Amelial, the Void Herald

Amelial, the Void Herald

by CaulynDarrI'm about 85% done.  There's still some clean up to do on her wings and base.  I might also re-do the faceplate of her helmet.  It didn't turn out quite like I wanted.  I was really frustrated painter her.  I realized I hadn't...
Lots and Lots of Toys

Lots and Lots of Toys

by CaulynDarrSo, yesterday this came in the mail for me:Only took about 20 months to get it.I'll save the review for when I get some miniatures painted.  The PVC plastic and soft features led to some mediocre results.  It might not be so bad depending on how...

Das Tank!

By CaulynDarrNew Brad Pitt war movie.  Looks a little corny, one 'merican Sherman versus the whole German army for the fate of the WORLD!  Still, hot tank on tank action.
X-Wing Top Gun: How to stay with your wing-man.

X-Wing Top Gun: How to stay with your wing-man.

by CaulynDarrNo, sorry, this isn't a Top Gun based conversion of the X-Wing rules.  Though, now that I think about it, that should be a thing.In a given game of X-wing, you are only probably going to make 12-20 attack rolls and get usually as many...