Adepticon 2014 – There and Back Again, a Burnout’s Tale

Adepticon 2014 – There and Back Again, a Burnout’s Tale

Just...try to relax...As some of you might be aware, a handful of members have had associations of some sort or another with Adepticon since about 2006.  It started with the Team Tournament, sprinkled in a few rounds of Combat Patrol, and the last two years have...
Among other Things

Among other Things

Sihedron RuneSo, those unfortunates who read my last post may remember that I signed off by stating that I had caught everyone up on all of my hobby related goings on.  That wasn't entirely true.  As of next month, I'll be restarting my Pathfinder game that...
Come the Apocalypse…

Come the Apocalypse…

That's apparently what it'll take for me to update this thing.  In any event, I'm not dead; I've just had a great deal going on.  New job location, new house, new son, new codex(!), etc.  Life is busy, but that's why they call it life I suppose....

Specific Review of Codex: Chaos Daemons

Picture shamelessly taken from this BoLS post dated 3/3/13.I suppose I could say "Yes" to to above question.  But the reasons for that might not be what you think.  As any cursory inspection of the blog will reveal, I am primarily a Salamanders Space Marines...

New Year? New Resolution: Blood For the Blood God!!!

While I haven't shifted the focus of my latest army from Tzeentch Daemons to that of Khorne, I did spend a bit of time celebrating the New Year's holiday with my gaming buddies listening to some artists straight from the dawn of metal.  I know very little of...