No Chapter For Old Men: Local League game 1 of 5

What's that you say?  You want the truth?  You can't handle the truth!You may have wanted me on that wall, but due to your pathetic generalship, we're all dead!So yesterday was our Thursday league night at the FLGS.  Not as big of a turnout as I would...

We Ride!

Operation: Get Back On The Horse has commenced!The FLGS will be starting a new 40k league this Thursday that will last five weeks.  Those of you foolish enough to read posts on this blog will know that Team Snake Eyes got crushed at Adepticon 2012, and that...

Adepticon 2012: I Think I Found My Style

Normally I would have posted something about Team Snake Eyes' 2012 Team Tournament results sooner, but several things conspired against me.  Fist, we got our collective asses kicked.  That stings a bit.  :-)  Second, my photo taking/retrieving...

5 and a Wake-up

Bray'arth Ashmantle, aka. "Fat Albert"It's that time of year again.  Team Snake Eyes is headed to Adepticon in Chicago, IL for their team tournament on Saturday the 21st.  There's all sorts of stuff going on up there, and I highly recommend you make the trip...

Ignis Rex

I have written and deleted a half dozen witty blog posts about this Land Raider but, in retrospect, none of the them have been sufficient.  I'll stop stumbling through my futile attempts at prose, and let the pictures speak for themselves.  Before I go,...