by Chris Porche | Apr 19, 2015
This weekend I made the trip up to Las Vegas to enter some of my work in the International Plastic Modelers' Society (IPMS) Best of the West competition. My primary entry was the recently completed Imperial Knight Titan which I had built specifically for entry into...
by Chris Porche | Apr 5, 2015
In anticipation of the IPMS Best of the West model show I wanted to do something big so I picked up an Imperial Knight Titan. I figured that it would not only make a great contest entry, I could use it in my Imperial Army when playing 40k.This model is a great one. It...
by Chris Porche | Feb 24, 2015
I had been looking for a large model to complete for the upcoming IPMS Best of the West model contest. While I was eyeballing a Tau Riptide my gaze wandered over to the Imperial Knight Titan. Not only a beautiful large model, but it was something I could field in my...
by Chris Porche | Jan 10, 2015
In the book Honour Guard, by Dan Abnett, the light infantry of Gaunt's Ghosts are partnered with the heavy weaponry of the Pardus 8th Armoured Regiment in defence of the Shrine World of Hagia. As I begin to build my Gaunt's Ghosts army I am building all of my armour...
by Chris Porche | Dec 20, 2014
After building an Imperial Guard Chimera using the Chapter House Studios six wheel kit I had a set of Chimera tracks left over. I used those tracks, a multitude of bits, and styrene stock to create my very own Salamander Scout/Command Vehicle. This will become part of...