by Chris Porche | Jul 25, 2014
While working on your models you may want to paint a graphic on one of your vehicles but can't find a decal large enough or perhaps you can't find the right decal for the job. In this case a stencil might be just the thing you need and it's easier to make one...
by Chris Porche | Jul 6, 2014
Today I finished my first Space Wolves Rhino. I ordered some Space Wolves iconography from Forge World which I am using to adorn all of the 4 rhinos I'm working on. I also added some antenna to the rear of the vehicle as I think any military vehicle looks incomplete...
by Chris Porche | Jun 22, 2014
I've started work on 4 Space Wolves Rhino APCs. I started with the interiors first, base coating them in a black primer and following up with a dry brushing of Citadel Colour Chainmail. I then detailed the control panel. I finished the interior with a...
by Chris Porche | Jun 21, 2014
Catachan 2nd Company APCAfter playing a game of 7th Edition 40K against a 30K Imperial Fist army I decided that my IG were in desperate need of armoured transport. My choice was a Chimera. It has been marked for the Catachan 2nd. Those familiar with...
by Chris Porche | Apr 24, 2014
Out here in the Valley of the Sun the heat of Phoenix Arizona can have some unexpected results. Say for example you leave your Imperial Guard army in your car one day, after a late night of wargaming. You may return to your car in the morning to find that...