Custom Coteaz WIP

Custom Coteaz WIP

So in light of the recent Codex: Inquisition I was having a hard time getting my hands on a Coteaz model.  But, as I often do, I thought to myself... self, why buy a model when you can make your own?  Using a bit of green stuff, a tad bit of apoxie sculpt, a...
Kabuki Models – Napoleon-X

Kabuki Models – Napoleon-X

Sat down to paint some Imperial Guard and ended up starting and finishing the Napoleon-X model from Kabuki Models instead.  I'm thinking about using him for the Astropath or Master of the Fleet in my IG army.  Fun model to paint, well detailed.  Note...
Space Wolves Drop Pod Completed

Space Wolves Drop Pod Completed

First of all I have to say that I loved working on this model.  For the price it was by far the best GW model I have had the pleasure of building.It took several steps to get right but having quality products like Secret Weapon Miniatures pigments and The Army...