by Chris Porche | Nov 24, 2013
Tonight I finished the landing gears for my Space Wolves Stormraven. This wasn't so much because I wanted a custom look but because I don't have the originals. I purchased the bulk of the model off of ebay for around $13 and have been piecing together the...
by Chris Porche | Nov 24, 2013
I've finished my scratch built vertical thrusters and I have to say I'm quite happy with them. The problem I had with the originals is that they looked more like intakes than vertical thrusters. So I took a bit of styrene tubing and corrugated cable...
by Chris Porche | Nov 17, 2013
Something I've always loved about the Imperial Guard fluff is that IG regiments hail from all over the galaxy and no two are the same. Each system boasts it's own unique guard such as the Catachan Jungle fighters, Cadians, Elysians, and Valhalla. Games...
by Chris Porche | Nov 8, 2013
So I picked up some bits for a Space Marine Stormraven off ebay. I didn't really have any plan when I picked them up, I just thought for the price ($13) that I could use them for something Orky in the future or maybe a piece of terrain or a kit-bash of some...
by Chris Porche | Nov 8, 2013
My Space Wolf Dreadnought is still a work in progress but it is coming along so well I thought I'd post the progress to date. First off this was a great kit for the price ($37 at my local retailer). The kit is very detailed and the moving pieces are well...