Leman Russ Cut Away

Love this post from the guys at Spikey Bits!  Spikey Bits Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, Conversions and Painted Miniatures: Awesome Leman Russ Tank Cut Away Diorama: Welcome to  Conversion Corner,  where we display great looking converted and Work In Progress...
Custom Space Wolf Dreadnought #1

Custom Space Wolf Dreadnought #1

My first dreadnought was a vanilla marine I picked up off of ebay for about $10.  My goal was to turn it into a Space Wolves Dreadnought.  To accomplish this I used a combination of Apoxie Sculpt, Green Stuff and a little tough love.I began by removing the...
Space Wolf Dreadnoughts – WIP

Space Wolf Dreadnoughts – WIP

So I recently picked up a couple of Space Marine Dreadnoughts off Ebay for about $10 each.  One was a vanilla marine and the other Dark Angels.  My goal was to turn these two Dreads into Space Wolves Dreadnoughts.  To accomplish this I used a...

Looking for some great paint? Look no further!

The Army PainterFor many years I've relied on cheap craft paints for all my painting needs.  Often I've been frustrated by thin coats and unwanted textures.  I primarily paint Games Workshop miniatures and I was never very satisfied with Citadel paints, they...
Imperial Guard – Leman Russ Battle Tank

Imperial Guard – Leman Russ Battle Tank

I've been fairly busy lately, playing and painting but neglecting blogging.  This tank has been a long time coming, I've finally finished one of the Leman Russ Battle Tanks.  This Model is equipped with my custom cannon collar which allows for quick swapping...