WIP – Ordos Xenos Valkyrie

My Ordos Xenos army was in need of a bit of transportation. Among other things, I chose a Valkyrie. Before I could get too far into the assembly or painting I had to complete the cockpit and crew bay first.I began by priming the interior in black and followed that up...

Kroot Mercenary

The Kroot Mercenary I started for my Ordos Xenos army is done! I'm quite happy with how he turned out. I tried to get a wood grain look on the stock. It doesn't look to bad to the eye but the close up takes a little away from it.

WIP – Kroot Mercenary

I've seen some pretty imaginative conversions using the humble Kroot. Their role of mercenaries in the 40k universe make them an ideal candidate for such work.In my case I needed an Acolyte for my Ordos Xenos army. I happened to have a large bag of Kroot lying around...

Ordos Xenos Army

I recently made a few acquisitions toward a  new project. I plan on building an Ordos Xenos army. Currently I plan on having:(1) Ordos Xenos Inquisitor(5-10) Acolytes(1)Valkyrie(10) Deathwatch Veterans(1) Corvus BlackstarKill Team Cassius(5-10) Militarum...

Coming Soon!

I hate to come back after two months with only a teaser but I promise there is more coming very soon. I've been dividing my time over the last two months between my hobby desk and a home remodel. I've got a model or two done to share with the interwebs, a bit of work...