Win More Games Without Changing your Plan

How to win more games without changing your plan, buying more models or changing your listHere is a guest post from a local player.  I'm a big fan of what he's saying.  It touches on something a lot of people loose sight of; The basics!Hello, this is Mike...

Staying fresh while not playing.

by Chris VintonSo I've had a lot of time to not play 40k.  Baby on the way, work taking more of my energy, a kid that now wants a buddy more than a person that just gives food and a pacifier, and a miserably pregnant have all really cut into my...

Tau How to: Supporting Fire

Tau Supporting FireWhen an enemy unit declares a charge, all friendly models with this special rule in units within 6" of the charging unit's target can choose to fire overwatch as if they were also targets of the charge. By Chris VintonSupport fire is a unique...

Tau vs Orks 1850 Battle Report

1850pt Tau vs Ork Battle ReportBy Chris VintonThis week I ran my tau against orks.  I'll admit the prospect of running against a close combat army seemed a sure bet for the tau, but with Matt's mech Orks I really had my doubts.  3 AV 14 battle wagons really...

Jesse’s Gk list breakdown

I have been fielding this 1850 Grey Knights list for the past several months to much success.  The list began in preparation for the TSHIFT open tournament out in Seattle.  Initially I ran IG allies for some cheap firepower, Vendettas, and my favorite...