by Citizensmith | Jul 8, 2011
Another fun game, quick too when you only play 1,000 points and elite armies. Apologies for just one crappy photo. I Completely forgot until too late. The Grey knightsInquisitor with rad and psychotroke grenades.Venerable Dreadnought with Assault Cannon and...
by Citizensmith | Jun 9, 2011
Had time for a quick game today, despite arriving later. I'd changed my Grey Knight list just to try some different units and was against Dave's Silver Skull bikers. Only a couple of photos, we were trying to play quickly, and my grey knights aren't...
by Citizensmith | May 14, 2011
I've written a few articles on the Grey Knight minis as I succumbed to newcodexitis and decided to build a GK force. Well that and as I have an IG army and with the Knights being elite and therefore low in numbers it would be easy to do.We have the following...
by Citizensmith | May 14, 2011
First MWC PostI wanted to start cross linking my MWC posts to this blog so it keeps busy. Here's my first post back in April.
by Citizensmith | May 12, 2011
Had another game with the knights. Another 1,000 pointer and I played the same list as I didn't have time to change anything and add in the new models I picked up.Playing against blood angels with a reclusiarch and 2 sanguinary priests supporting 3 10-man...