by Citizensmith | Apr 30, 2011
As its the army I'm working on and did well in its first outing I thought I'd share the list and the thoughts behind it. One key limit though, I really don't own much Grey Knight stuff. I'll mention after the list the other options I currently have.HQ -...
by Citizensmith | Apr 28, 2011
Had a fun evening at the FLGS with a 1000 point battle against IG. I had my kids around and so with keeping an eye on them I completely forgot to take any photos. Please imaging that my Grey Knights all have awesome paint jobs as I have even touched most...
by Citizensmith | Apr 4, 2011
Welcome anyone from MWC who decided to head over here and see some more of my work. I've been enjoying MWC for a while so I'm looking forward to contributing.
by Citizensmith | Mar 28, 2011
Of course with the Grey Knights being an elite codex this is probably 2,000 points worth. An old, early mark of terminator armor. Storm bolter and power fist. Hope it fits, cool model. A GK librarian with force sword, a GK terminator with...
by Citizensmith | Mar 27, 2011
Last Monday there was a bounty of bitz in the bitz bins at the FLGS. As well as a bunch of gratefully purchased IG legs there was this little termagant (termagaunt?). Well I don't have a tyranid army, but my youngest son has a looty Ork army. So here...