by Citizenwilliams | Mar 21, 2013
It’s been hard to sit my siblings down for a game of anything of late but we found ourselves waiting for my parents to return home one night so I jumped on the chance to demonstrate on of my favourite casual card games to them. Fluxx is a card game designed by a...
by Citizenwilliams | Mar 18, 2013
So my apologies that it’s been such a long time since I did one of these, or blogged at all for that matter but setting up the Hobbynomicon has eaten into a lot of my time. If you do ever miss me, we have some great articles over there, focusing on introductions...
by Citizenwilliams | Feb 27, 2013
So as I recently mentioned I managed to sell my self the idea of a lady Justice crew. So after a few days acquiring a few extra parts (one of which I will admit now is both cheap and expensive at the same time). So this is the crew in it entirety. I decided I...
by Citizenwilliams | Feb 25, 2013
So we know by now I'm sure that I love Malifaux, one of the things I love most is how accessible it is to all new players because of its relatively low cost compared to most miniatures games. However I know not everyone has a huge budget which is why I began these...
by Citizenwilliams | Feb 21, 2013
So yesterday I left my nerd comfort zone and travelled to Burton and visited a fine store called "Spirit Games". A simply wonderful trove of all sorts of roleplay and board games, needless to say I over spent but it does mean I have some interesting new games to show...