by CJ Kilbride | Mar 28, 2017
I have fond memories of picking up some Van Saar from eBay to flesh out a Hive Gang Militia unit for my Steel Legion army many, many moons ago. These guys came painted up in the standard Van Saar green and really contrasted well with the other hivers I had thrown...
by CJ Kilbride | Mar 26, 2017
Anyone not excited for this? StarCraft, along with WarCraft 2 and Diablo were some of the first games I completed (without cheating!) and some of the most fun for the longest time after. I played StarCraft before Brood War and until I finally lost my disc for the...
by CJ Kilbride | Mar 25, 2017
I've been splurging on eBay for this and that lately, like the Chimera Bunker. The latest has been both the Mighty Empires and Planetary Empires sets, including the hive city tile and the wizards tower. The Mighty Empires set I really don't have a plan for too much...
by CJ Kilbride | Mar 10, 2017
With the Witchhunter warband being ready for paint, I thought about what I wanted for the bases... technobridge bases sound good.I started with these basic materials. All the bases got scraped clean with a stencil knife and then scribed so the glue will have a bit...
by CJ Kilbride | Feb 22, 2017
This is a terrain piece that GW still sold when I got into 40k. This, the Jungle Trees, and the Gothic Ruins were pretty much it back then, not counting all the FW goodies. I came across it on eBay a short while ago and decided that I couldn't pass it up. I've always...