Deathwatch 006: Ready for Paint

This conversion is ready for a basecoat.With the left over putty from the text tutorial, I sculpted a purity seal over the thin spot on the pauldron text. Then I set the arm aside and moved on to the body.I mentioned before this the BaC Contepmtor was an ideal...

Saturday Workbench Update

Good week this week with getting the Deathwatch Contemptor ready for paint. I've got the base done now, too. I think the next one I might work on that static pose.Looking forward to next week I'm going to be painting my Dreadnought and Drenn Redblade. Also I have the...

Deathwatch 005: Sculping Text

MasterSlowPoke asked me in the comments to the last installment of the Deathwatch Contemptor how I go about sculpting the text in the greenstuff. Here is a brief tutorial on how I went about the process for the single line of text on the Contemptor forearm.First I...

Score: Found Gears

I found these gears in the shop yard. I've got a couple ideas on using these in some terrain in the future. It always pays to keep an eye out for great found objects.Cheers,CJ

Saturday Workbench Update (Sunday Edition)

It's been a long week While I did get some work done on my Contemptor conversion, I didn't get the update posted until yesterday, and since then I've got some more work done. This week I hope to get the rest of the sculpting done and move onto paint.My cat has been...