Inq28: The Guilder

This is Mad Robot Miniatures 'The Guilder.' I am a big fan of this model. As soon as I saw the preview Mad Robot Steve put on his facebook page I knew how I wanted him to look.When he arrived I decided to get him cleaned up and painted straight away. After a bath in...

Armour in April 3rd Update

The third week of #ArmourinApril is over. Not too much painting got done this week, but I did bring the Thunderer to life so I feel like it's a fair trade. I did get it and the second of my eBay rescue Leman Russ hulls painted up to the same point as the tanks last...

Paint Table Saturday

Working on lots of tanks this week as #ArmourinApril continues. And I managed to complete a character for Inquisitor Draco's retinue, so that's one down and three to go.Finally, I got my 'The Guilder' mini from Mad Robot Miniatures. He came today and I'm gonna try and...

Death Guard 001: Showcase

I finally got to getting some photos of these guys. I chose the Carrion Hounds vectorum and painted them using a recipe that was featured in White Dwarf 300 way back in 2005.So far my collection consists of the models from Dark Imperium and The Plague Bretheren. I...