Armour in April 1st Update

 I started with two tanks nearly complete so I have been focused on getting them done first. The LR Vanquisher is nearly done at this point. The Gideon pattern MBT I had painted half of the metallics and then stopped. I got the rest done and now they are both...

Paint Table Saturday

It's been a busy week for me and I haven't gotten a whole lot done, but a little at a time all adds up eventually.Cheers!CJ

Armour in April!

We've had a theme to help drive hobby productivity for the past couple months. I decided that I'd start #armourinapril and get some tanks of my beloved Guard painted.I invite everyone to participate. Leave a comment that let's me know you're in and lag posts with the...

Monster March: Knight Crusader Complete!

The end of the month is here and the knight that I assembled in 2015, primed in 2016,  and guiltily ignored in 2017 is finally complete.My Knight Crusader is also my Kingsward. I've got a bit of fluff fleshed out from my initial go at it which I will present at a...

Gaslands 001: My First Ride!

So I have heard good things about this game around the internet. I'd like to get my hands on a set of rules and maybe even find some opponents... but before all that I decided to convert myself up a car. This is a little Radio Shack remote control car that was...