Monster March Update

I've managed to get a lot of painting on my first Knight done in the past few days. The house heraldry is the blue and yellow, with a quarter blocked out to signify an alliance with the Mechanicus.My idea for a household is a filthy rich Rogue Trader raised his banner...

Inq28: Witch Hunter 003

I've been working on a little of everything since I finished up my Squaduary pledge. Now before I discovered Monster March I had planned to do some work on my Inq28 warbands. First thing was to find everyone a base. I made custom bases for this warband last year....

Paint Table Saturday

A quick update for this weekend. I'm working on my Monster March pledge.It's just the shoulders but I feel like I know where I want the paintjob to go now.Stay tuned for progress of this monster all month!Cheers,CJ

Monster March 2

I was checking out blogs I follow and over on BERSERKERBLADE I saw that the community has a March theme already, Monster March. Organized by Swordmaster over at Path of the Outcast.Remember this guy? He's been on the Pile of Grey Shame since 2015. In 2016 I...

Squaduary 2018 Complete!

We made it! The end of the month is here and I've managed to get my pledge completed in a timely manner.I'm thrilled to be able to say I made my Squaduary goals. I'm not sure what I'll do next with these guys... I've got the Blessed Primarch to lead them, as well as...